+41 (0)79 672 23 31 rowena.amsler@bluewin.ch


  1. Giovanni
    Geschrieben am Montag, der 18. Juli 2016 um 12:14

    I`ve read the book „On death and dying“. It`s a brilliant book by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who’s has dedicated her life to researching the needs of terminally ill people and their families. E. Kübler Ross, describes, discusses and introduces her theory/idea of dying and grieving: Denial/Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. This book is an eye-opener which introduces you to a reality we all have to face. Death and Dying. I`m really fascinated by the detailed research by this incredible women, who has broken norms in a very difficult time. Death is a very difficult issue even for strong people to discuss. This book can be used for professionals as well as for families who are confronted with the reality of death.

  2. Sanja
    Geschrieben am Mittwoch, der 1. Juni 2016 um 14:04

    I have read „Eleven minutes“ by Paulo Coelho and I would also recommend „Vielleicht morgen“ by Guillaume Musso.

  3. Umberto Gotti
    Geschrieben am Sonntag, der 29. Mai 2016 um 20:29

    I have just finished „How Civilizations Die (and why Islam is dying too)“. Not something you are willing to read before going to bed, of course. Yet a must. For it tells you what kind of demography-driven geopolitical shift we will be facing in the coming decades…

  4. Jane
    Geschrieben am Montag, der 25. April 2016 um 19:59

    I’ve just read „Disclaimer“ by Reneé Knight. Unputdownable!

  5. Michael
    Geschrieben am Sonntag, der 24. April 2016 um 13:40

    I’m reading the Hunger Games right now, because the movie was great and the books are too.

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